The purpose of your life is joy. The basis of your life is absolute freedom. The result of your life is expansion – Abraham Hicks

How would it feel to not need anything? Like you have everything you need to live an abundant life?

Pretty good, right?

In fact, wouldn·t that ease any worries about your health, your wellbeing, your ability to show up in the world whole and happy, and feeling free?

This 2-day transformative event features seven female powerhouses who share inspiring stories of how they have enriched their life experiences and found a sense of freedom by awakening their authentic self.

Each conversation provides new mindsets and practices to transform your own life and the lives of those around you in positive and uplifting ways!

The character you play has been scripted by your family, ancestors, culture, and what society has told you is possible. This moulding, shapes your core belief system during the first seven years of your life.

What if you are here to break free from the programmed reality you were born into?

You alone control the way you think, feel and act.

Thus, the opportunity to free yourself from limiting beliefs, programs, and behaviours, begins with YOU!

In this empowering event you will discover tools to inspire you to become your best self and reach your highest potential.

Liberate your self-imprisonment! Open to limitless possibilities!

Consciously create a new life story. One outside of programmed reality.

Attend the Freedom Summit and you·ll learn how to experience profound freedom and make 2023 your year to…

  • Uncover the power of the relationship you have with yourself
  • Free yourself from fear, control, and manipulation
  • Powerfully connect with your True Self
  • Tap into the unconditional love & guidance of the natural world
  • Activate your internal guidance system to navigate life
  • Rebalance the internal dance between your masculine and feminine energies
  • Embody freedom through conscious awareness

And so much more…

What’s possible for you?

Join us on April 1st / 2nd and find out…

Again, this is a FREE summit…we hope to see you there.

Are you ready to awaken your true health and potential and transform your life?

The time is NOW!


Victoria Hart is a Visionary Soul Coach, Energy Healer, and New Earth Leader. She has been exploring the metaphysical and mystical world for as long as she can remember. This has enabled her to study with some great masters in cutting edge and revolutionary therapies, inviting exponential breakthrough results. Victoria has an innate ability to get to the heart of the matter and brings wisdom, inspiration, and humility to empower people to break the looping cycles of programmed reality and consciously create a new life story. Her mission is to create balance and harmony between humanity and nature by realising her true potential and power and teaching others to do the same.

If you would like to contact Victoria and receive information about personal coaching programs, group programs or classes, visit