The Perfect Awakening of Self-Mastery takes place in the Heart

A 12-month program to empower you to align with the wisdom of your heart and activate your divine mission and purpose. Each month we will work with a specific theme to unfurl the 12 divine qualities of the heart, so that you can:

  • Step fully into your ascension pathway and be the light you came here to be
  • Raise your frequency to invite more Peace, Harmony, Balance, Love, Joy, Prosperity and Freedom of heart-centred living

Now is the time to awaken your true potential and power and become the master of your reality!

​If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, then Mastery ​is for YOU!

  • Have you felt like you are not living your true purpose?
  • Do you have a desire to co-create a new way of BE-ing and higher conscious living?
  • Do you feel confused, panicked and unclear of the way forward?
  • ​Do you feel you’re merely surviving and wanting something more?
  • ​Do you feel unsupported and like you’re on your own?


  • Want to gain clarity and shift from surviving to thriving on a monthly basis?
  • ​Ready to raise your frequency to attract to more Peace, Harmony, Balance, Love, Joy, Prosperity and Freedom & more?
  • Looking for a Soul Tribe and Community to support, encourage and celebrate YOU?

Join our 12-month Mastery Program


Duration: 60 mins (per session)

Join our Mastery Program, where you will be a part of:

  • One Group Mentoring Session held on 2nd Tuesday of each month at 8pm GMT / 3pm EST (All sessions are recorded). There is a new topic each month.
  • Four Private 30 Minute Mentoring Sessions (value £80 each)
  • One Monthly Special Galactic Activation just for members which will assist us in restoring our Divine Blueprint and transcend all karmic experiences no longer needing to be experienced. These beautiful Galactic Activations are intentional quantum energy wave spectrum frequencies which accelerate our path to New Earth realities through raising our frequency and expanding our consciousness
  • Private Facebook Mastery Members Support & Encouragement
  • Special Member Prices and Early Access for upcoming offerings throughout the year

* Next annual membership begins January 2025. Keep an eye on the site or fill in the contact form to express your interest.


ONLY £111 a month!

That’s a great deal to become the Master your reality.

You don’t want to miss out!

*Limited Spaces Available

Optional Supplement Support