The Divinity Codes & The Starlight Temple of Isis  

I invite you to experience this wonderful New Earth Quantum Healing Activation where you will experience The Divinity Codes & The Starlight Temple of Isis.

In this guided visualisation light-encoded transmission, I will assist you to activate the Divinity Codes, that have been dormant within, and to deepen into this Now moment (zero point), as we release all that no longer serves us.

We have been living a third dimensional reality of consciousness, based on fear, lack, suffering and pain. From this level of consciousness, we cannot create the joyfully abundant lifestyle we dream of.

The Divinity Codes are activating and reawakening our Pure Essence, our Childlike Innocence of Wonder and Awe, our Preciousness, our beautiful Soul Light. We experience the frequency of the Divine Mother, Divine Love, Compassion, (Ego) Death and Rebirth within this sacred Starlight Temple. Through the Light Code activations, you are able to manifest Higher Potential realities, with greater levels of grace and ease. You step onto the path of Self-Mastery.

New Earth Quantum Healing Activations is a powerful technique that assists us to observe and witness the denser frequencies that we are still working through as well as draw to us the future probable timelines of our Highest Potential. 

This New Earth Quantum Healing Activation will assist you to: 

  • Collapse and dissolve old timelines, emotional blocks, false beliefs and judgments as you exit the Old Earth paradigms      
  • Stabilise your frequency to the vibration of New Earth and merge with and integrate more deeply your Soul Light and Higher Selves      
  • Express all from the Loving Heart 
  • Deepen into the Quantum Field and ability to magnetically to you all you need in each Now moment 
  • Experience all that is Soul aligned  
  • Activate your Soul Blueprint 
  • Re-Write, Recode and expand your Consciousness through the Heart of Love 
  • Activate your Pineal Gland 

Sign up now for this one hour recorded session and I look forward to connecting with you.

As a Certified New Earth Quantum Healing Practitioner, I am able to offer you these powerful Quantum Healing Activations.


Duration: 60 mins
No. Sessions: 1