Transforming Your Life with Divine Will: A Doorway to Divine Manifestation

Are you ready to become everything you can be, and to use your gifts to uplift everyone around you?

Discover how to meet the challenges of life more easily, expand your abilities and become a light for humanity!

This is the first of a two-part 12-week online course to strengthen the connection to your true self, align with your souls purpose, and live an abundant, joyful life. As a teacher with OrinDaBen Foundation, we will be working with Orin’s Divine Will Foundation Course, “Transforming Your Life with Divine Will”.

This invitation is for you if you’re ready to expand your consciousness and create your highest future; includes teachings, powerful energy transmissions, support and sharing.

As you work with and open to receive the energies being transmitted in this course from Divine Will, Orin, your soul, and the beings of light, you can awaken spiritual vision, deepen your intuition and wisdom; let go of struggles, and release lesser energies and limitations. You will ask for and receive powerful energy transmissions to activate Divine Will to transform your life, unfold your highest potential, expand your consciousness, and assist you in manifesting in alignment with the higher purpose of your life.

Aligning with Divine Will can be one of the most transformative steps you can take on your path of Self realisation and enlightenment.

As you learn to contact Divine Will, it will become easier to know what you need to do, and act on the guidance that is emerging.

Over 12 weeks, you will…

  • Prepare for the transformation ahead by choosing an area of your life you would like to work with
  • Connect with the beings of light to receive new qualities of consciousness
  • Awaken new awareness in the areas you want an expanded understanding
  • Become aware of any new vision that emerges of how to think, be and act
  • Open to your heart’s desire and make life choices that are in alignment
  • Deepen your intuition and release any resistance and inner conflict
  • Gain clarity on what action steps to take
  • See new ideals for this area in your life
  • Learn to create your experience with more awareness, focus and patience
  • Gain clarity about what you are manifesting that will bring your more freedom
  • Create greater harmony between yourself and others
  • Transform your personality and create a soul-infused life!

How will I know I’m ready?

  • You are ready to expand your consciousness and become the creator of your reality
  • You are ready to create your highest future and fulfil your soul’s purpose
  • You are ready to let go of struggle, limitations, obstacles, and conflicts, and to experience more peace and harmony
  • You are ready to transform your life and the lives of those around you in positive and uplifting ways
  • You are ready to get out of your own way

Then, it’s time to spread your wings and fly!

Learn, share and receive guidance and support to raise your frequency and realise your vision as Victoria facilitates these compassionate, interactive group sessions.

Victoria brings conscious awareness and everyday experience of how to tap into these higher frequencies to transform various areas of your life.

Orin is a wise, loving and gentle spirit teacher who is assisting humanity at this time through this great transition and awakening. Orin says, “that the universe is friendly, that it is unlimited in its abundance, that everything is happening perfectly for our good although we may not always understand why, and that we can choose to grow through joy rather than through struggle.” Orin encourages us to accept only the ideas that seem true to the deepest parts of our being, and to set aside any that do not.

What others say they have gained:

  • Greater openness to others, to new ideas, and to life
  • Greater freedom from old, negative ways of thinking
  • More frequent feelings of joy and gratitude
  • Feeling more connected to nature
  • Becoming more aware of choices you are making and knowing that you have a choice
  • Accepting yourself, believing in your abilities, and acknowledging your inner light
  • New emotional responses, less reaction to negativity and more positive emotions
  • Letting go of trying to control situations and allowing what happens
  • Greater sense of inner peace


Duration: 75 mins (per session)
No. Sessions: 12

When: We will gather weekly for 12 weeks: on Thursdays at 8pm GMT (All sessions are recorded)
Where: In the comfort of your home on Zoom

I’d love for you to experience the power of what is possible… Sign up now to get access. I look forward to seeing you there!

* Next course begins Autumn 2024. Keep an eye on the site or fill in the contact form to express your interest.

Payment Plan

£444.00 for 3 month(s) which is split into three payments of £148.00 over 3 months. This includes teaching fee and Orin’s audio course “Transforming Your Life with Divine Will” ($89) which you will download and can work with for the rest of your life – highly recommended! 

Optional Supplement Support