The more one delves into the workings of the mind, the self, reality-creation, etc., you can’t help but be amazed at what a wonderful world this truly is that we’re living in (if I didn’t know better, I’d have sworn there was a cue for a song in there somewhere!).

That’s not to say the world is perfect, because it’s not – although an argument could be made to say that the world is perfect in its imperfection.

But given “perfection”, by definition, means that which cannot be improved upon, perhaps that argument sits on somewhat shaky ground.


We can return to such discussions another time. As far as this post is concerned, I wanted to talk about the power of your voice!

Before we dig further into the meat of this article, here are a few things for you to mull over first;

  1. An opera singer hits just the right pitch and a wine glass shatters into a thousand tiny pieces
  2. A choir boy sings a Christmas carol with such purity and innocence, that for a time, you feel as if you’re being sung to by an angel
  3. You witness an argument between 2 people and the words being fired between them are ugly, fierce, and hurtful – so much so that you feel as if you’re being physically hit by them yourself
  4. A young child excitedly rips open her birthday present and her burning eyes are met by the brand new, shiny bicycle she’d set her heart on getting. “Thank you mummy, thank you daddy – I love it, love it, love it!”, she says with such sincerity that no-one could ever think she didn’t genuinely mean it

As you take time to imagine and consider these 4 scenarios, I invite you to think about the following…

In each case, the voice can be heard by the human ear, but not seen by the human eye. It can also be felt in some way by the human body.

But how is it that something we can hear but can’t see has the power to break physical objects and to make us feel a physical sensation or to experience an emotional reaction?

Just what is the voice and how can this 1 thing create so many effects?

To answer that question, we need to quickly dive into the world of physics.

Ultimately, the voice is a sound and this sound, like any other, is a vibration. It’s a series of energy oscillations moving at a certain rate per second (frequency) through a medium (e.g. air, water, etc.), that converts into a noise when it hits our ear drum.

Now get this…

If you match a sound so it vibrates at the same frequency as something else (resonates with it), when you keep that going for a certain length of time and also increase the volume (amplitude), in certain circumstances, the sound can break apart a solid object such as a glass.


Because the molecules in the glass are being made to move much more than they would normally, and so the structure literally breaks apart after a time.

In other words, sound creates a physical effect on an object. And this is why words can literally be felt by us. The voice (sound) starts to affect the molecules in our bodies. Most of the human body is water, so the water molecules literally rearrange in response to the sound to which they’re being subjected.

Interesting huh?

However, we’re not finished yet. Draw closer my friend – we still have more to reveal to you…

There is a branch of science called Cymatics –  the study of visible sound vibration. Now, some readers of a certain vintage may remember an experiment at school, where sand particles on a board would form a certain geometric pattern when subjected to a certain frequency. This pattern would then change as the frequency changed.

The patterns you would get were often quite simple, however, with more sophisticated equipment, you can really start to understand how sound effects matter. E.g. take the images below, where liquid molecules change shape based on the frequency they’re subjected to…

Cymatics - visible sound virbrations

(Image courtesy of

When molecules are subjected to specific vibrations, then, they create patterns – they form shapes.

So it stands to reason that if you keep subjecting a substance to the same sounds over and over again, eventually you’ll start to affect it’s structure. And depending on the nature of the sounds, i.e. what arrangements they make the molecules create, the effects can either be positive, negative, or neutral.

For example, the structures above are pretty, symmetrical, and have a beauty about them. Individually, at least, these formations would likely have a positive effect on the material within which they are occurring.

Conversely, if the molecules are all mis-shapen, unsightly, and totally irregular, one would likely assume they would have a negative effect on the material within which they are occurring.

Think, then, for a minute, about what type of shapes the words that you say to yourself or others on a regular basis are likely causing the molecules in your and their bodies to make.

If you are someone that tends to use positive words in their speech and thoughts, and generally has a positive intention and outlook, how do you think the shape of the molecules your vibrations are causing compares to those being created by someone who acts in the totally opposite manner?

By extension, then, if society tends to use certain words in their everyday speech with one another, and tends to think about others in a certain way, depending on the nature and intent of those words and thoughts, whatever they impress upon will either be affected positively, neutrally, or negatively right?

So now that you know your words (and thoughts – because all is vibration) can literally influence and shape physical matter, you’ll begin to realise how much power your voice and thoughts actually contain.

And so it quickly becomes obvious that we need to mind our language (and thoughts), because of what their power can, in time, do to ourselves, others, and ultimately the wider world.

From today, then, make a point of really listening to the language used by others, especially those “in power”, and think about how the words they use make you feel vs how they sound intellectually.

Plus, also become more mindful of the regular speech you use on yourself, with close friends and family, and wider society.

Because now that you know the power of your voice, you’ll also know that you have a conscious choice as to how you use it in the future. You’ll be able to consciously manipulate matter and start creating the type of experiences you want.

Your thoughts and voice, then, when they are continually used and focused on a particular outcome you want with the right level of intention and intensity, can literally start re-shaping your reality.

With that said, remember what Spider Man’s uncle Ben told him. He said…

“Peter – with great power comes great responsibility!”

You have the power, so use it responsibly to create what you want in your life!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this article, so please leave your comments below.